Saturday, July 16, 2011

Self Tan Solutions!

Right, if you are pasty white and resemble snow white then this blog post is for you! I have discovered two excellent self-tan solutions!

First up is the more expensive option - this being Clarins Delicious.

A silky, lightly scented self tanner for the body that is infused with pure cocoa extracts.

 Just one tip - the colour tends to go on to the skin and gives a yellow-ish appearance - this colour soon disappears to leave a light glow (be sure to wash your hands after the application!)

The next option (being slightly cheaper) is Piz Buin's self tan tinted lotion which retails for about twenty-one dollars (as opposed to the Clarins product which sells for forty-two dollars!)

The Clarins product is better in terms of the smell factor, the scent is delicate (this is not to say that the Piz Buin is overwhelming though!).

The top tip for using any fake tan is to EXFOLIATE before you apply the lotion!

Good Luck and remember to always use a sun screen if you plan on going into the sun (a fake tan does not protect you from the sun's harmful rays!)

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